Marvellously easy to say 'I get it'

A guide for anyone who wants to change lives through healthcare communications

You know that in the world of healthcare communication clarity is everything.

People can't get the most from health innovations if they don't understand them. Healthcare professionals might not make the best evidence-based decisions. Patients might suffer unnecessarily, not use the right health services, or make a mistake with their medicines. 

But it takes effort and skill to capture attention and land your content in a way that patients and healthcare professionals can process, remember and act upon it.

This idea is central to Wordbird Founder, Sarah Sowerby's new book.   

Wordbird is a healthcare creative agency that makes it marvellously easy for YOUR audiences to say ‘I get it’

What is cognitive load and why should we ALL care?

It takes effort and skill to synthesise scientific information into something simple. It's all about reducing the brain power (or cognitive load) your audience requires to take in, process, remember and act upon your messages. Sarah's book is written to help with this. 

If this was marvellously easy, everyone would be doing it perfectly. But it's not easy. 

Wordbird has years of experience of bringing clarity to healthcare professional and patient communications. 

About Sarah Sowerby

Sarah Sowerby has worked on some of the world's most famous prescription brands over more than 30 years in pharma communications. She has spent her whole life trying to make it easy for health audiences to say 'I get it'.

Marvellously easy to say 'I get it' is Wordbird's purpose and also the name of Sarah's debut book. 

Sarah originally wrote this book as a guide for newbie copywriters, but people who have read it, say it has something for everyone in healthcare communications - client service, art directors, strategists and curious clients. 

If you care about changing lives through healthcare communications, Sarah invites you to check it out. 

How can we help make it marvellously easy for audiences to say ‘I get it’?

Key themes in Sarah's book are:

It takes a huge amount of effort and brain power for people to synthesise scientific information into something simple.

Making it marvellously easy for others to say ‘I get it’ is a demanding task for content creators – and it’s OK to ask for help.

Humans are wired to encode information as narratives – we can tap into this primal instinct by translating the evidence through storytelling.

The best ideas take time.

The subconscious mind can be a powerful source of inspiration, and we must look to the outside world for that emotive hook.

It helps to visualise your words wherever possible.

The jargon and acronyms so beloved by our industry only get in the way of your messages.

The most experienced and successful people in our industry know that less is always more.

Arrange an initial call with Wordbird to discuss ways to ease your audiences’ cognitive load and make it Marvellously easy to say ‘I get it’

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