Energy Black Holes
Do you ever get sucked into those energy black holes? The ‘work things’ that take up huge amounts of time and energy, but are not satisfying and don’t seem to produce very much.
Well, imagine this; they are even worse for healthcare professionals. So how does that affect what WE do?
At Wordbird we’ve been discussing the energy black holes.
It has occurred to me that the healthcare professionals I know experience another stratosphere of black holes of energy loss. The things I hear all the time are:
- I love helping patients, but ‘The System’ I work in is broken
- I just have to follow ‘The System’ so I can’t always do what is needed, or best
- The constant re-organisation of ‘The System’ wastes time, money and energy
- ‘The System’ is not joined up
Here’s an example
A relative of mine is a hospital doctor. Her department was short staffed so she offered to go from 3 days a week to 4 days a week. Happy days. She started working the extra day in June. By October she still hadn’t been paid for any of her extra days. She was passed between HR, Finance and her manager. Then she was told there was no budget and she needed to go back to 3 days. That’s a black hole of energy loss if ever I saw one.
Here’s another
Cornwall has shut many of its acute psychiatric beds. Patients who are Sectioned under The Mental Health Act are sent all over the country at a time they most need to be near loved ones. My friend’s job is to travel round the country checking up on the services provided by other hospitals, rather than providing the care he is trained to give in his local region.
I don’t know about you, but just hearing these stories drains my energy. So let’s pep ourselves up with a reframe on what we can do to help.
Given the environment our customers work in, there is a brilliant opportunity to bring positive energy to your interactions with healthcare professionals to be of genuine service and value
You have the power to capture attention throughout a customer journey in a way that is consistently inspiring, rewarding and easy
You have the power to make learning enjoyable. Do you use this power?
At Wordbird, this is what we do all the time. Email us at to find out more.