Posts Currently viewing the category: "Giving Back"

Imagine having nobody to decorate a tree with, wish Season’s Greetings to, or exchange a gift or hug with. 

It’s been a remarkably lonely time for the elderly. Especially Artie’s neighbour, Rosemary who doesn’t have any family close by anymore. And so he wrapped up a few tiny treasures and treats…(Read More)

Steve and The Green Project


It all began one day in Spring of lockdown 2020.

 Steve stumbled across a spot local to him in Shepherd’s Bush, surprised to see a once lonely corner, blooming into a lively green space. Flowers budding, trees growing, little green fingers planting away. A group of local residents had started The Green Project so…(Read More)

It’s August 2016 and a traveling pop-up health check clinic is making its way across UK shopping centres. At every centre, shoppers can pop in and do a simple eye pressure and blood pressure check for free. By the end of the pop-up tour, 768 shoppers had participated. This is City University…(Read More)

A shared passion


Are you part of a book club? Good fun isn’t it. Friends coming together for words, wine, and if you’re lucky, nibbles If you’re extra lucky, book clubs may even be an opportunity for philanthropy. And that’s exactly the idea behind Literary Laughs. They take the best of book clubs and…(Read More)