A shared passion


Are you part of a book club? Good fun isn’t it. Friends coming together for words, wine, and if you’re lucky, nibbles

If you’re extra lucky, book clubs may even be an opportunity for philanthropy. And that’s exactly the idea behind Literary Laughs. They take the best of book clubs and add a fundraising element.
Every year, the lovely people at Literary Laughs organise Christmas parties for book clubs across the country to raise smiles, spirits and money for charities such as

  • Beanstalk
  • Childhood First
  • Crisis at Christmas
  • The Brain Tumour Charity

For us, supporting a fundraising initiative like Literary Laughs has been very important. We share a passion for words, stories, humour and making a difference.

Having the opportunity to redesign the visual identity of Literary Laughs has been extra-special. What a good-natured, good-humoured and vibrant initiative. We hope we have managed to capture this feeling in their sparkling new website.

If you’re part of a book club, find out just how easy it is to have fun and raise money for a charity close to your heart.